Showing all 5 results



Screen Printing Halftone RIP software with Built in Color Separation Functionality

Make your color separation work easier, faster and more accurate with amazing tools all built into a halftone RIP software solution unlike any other in the industry. Save money, save time and get better results.


Color Factory for CorelDRAW Create Amazing Designs with Monochrome, Duotone, Tritone with 400 Presets A New Just Released Plugin for CorelDRAW

Color Factory for CorelDRAW opens up an entirely new level of design potential in with monochrome, duotone and tritone automated image conversions and 400 presets. All these features are based on monochrome bitmaps that are the only type of bitmap that has color properties that work like vector in CorelDRAW.


Screen Printing Simulated Process Color Separations in CorelDRAW

High-end simulated process and bitmap color separations in CorelDRAW. SimpleSeps Raster is a highly accurate bitmap color separation for CorelDRAW that works hand in hand SimpleSeps SmartRIP giving you the features you need to easily print like the high-end shops.


Automated Over Printing Color Plugin for CorelDRAW

SimpleSeps Over Print is a unique color management CorelDRAW plugin that gives you the ability to make prints that have just a few colors look like they have many colors using over printing. You will not find any other over printing automation tool any where else in the industry.


Automate for Graphic Design Process for Faster Workflow and Better Design Quality

With Design Base Pro you can quickly and easily create an unlimited number of designs in CorelDRAW. Not a pro designer no need to be with Design Base Pro everything is automated. You can also purchase our high quality clip art, design templates and marketing assets to compliment the Design Base Pro plugin for CorelDRAW and even add you art assets.